“On Valentine’s Day the companies provide that the whole context of shopping has an influence on our decisions”, Violeta Corona

Violeta Corona Cabrera, Profesora Investigadora de la Academia de Mercadotecnia de la Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara

As published yesterday, the Students’ Society of the Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara organized a Valentine’s Day-themed bazaar (Click for the article only in Spanish). Every year around this date, we note how marketing utilizes Valentine’s Day for its sale. El Despertador Panamericano spoke to Violeta Corona Cabrera, professor and researcher at the School of Marketing of our university, about how emotions influence our shopping and how the marketing strategies around this date have changed.

Alexandra Rank: Professor Corona Cabrera, you have a lot of experience in the marketing sector, do you personally still value Valentine’s Day?

Violeta Corona: We live in a context where our friends and family effectively have an influence in all the media that communicate the importance of Valentine’s Day. As for me personally, I can say that it doesn’t affect me. However, in my relation to friends and family, it definitely does so. In such way that on Friday I’ll go with friend for a dinner. I am not organizing it but I was invited.

A.R.: A study by MercadoLibre and the magazine Selecciones s hows: 84,4% of the Mexicans celebrate Valentine’s Day (Click for the article only in Spanish). We know that marketing utilizes this day to increment the sale. Why do we still take part in the consumption?

An advertisement for Valentine's Day in a supermarket in Guadalajara.
An advertisement for Valentine’s Day in a supermarket in Guadalajara.

V.C.: We rationally know that it is a day that is being used by the companies to impulse the selling of their products. We are still humans though that take decisions mainly based on emotions. Studies show that 90% of our decision aren’t rational. Now we add the fact that communication is focused on appealing to those emotions and to arouse the non-rational in us. Consequently, we will understand why we end up consuming things that we initially wouldn’t have bought.

A.R.: How do emotions influence our consumption before and on Valentine’s Day?

V.C.: In the case of Valentine’s Day the companies provide that the whole context of shopping has an influence on our decisions and generate a shopping experience that is very emotional. Starting from the packages that change around this date – where we can notice different colours, shinier materials and different fonts – to the arrangement of the products in isles that you normally wouldn’t find in the corridors of shops and supermarkets. After having recognized them, we connect them with something because we always take decisions by associations. If the association is positive and leads us to memorable moments that could be good or nostalgic, it will be more likely for us to buy the product.

Buying through music can even change the perception of the taste of food.

A.R.: What are the characteristic elements of Valentine’s Day?

V.C.: For example, the atmosphere of the illumination or the touch as on some occasions different textures are used. The music is more related to a love-theme, for example through more tender tones which we associate with something sweet. Buying through music can even change the perception of the taste of food. Also, the way how we arrange the products in a shelf or sale desks is important. Furthermore, the communication: Through social media, the companies modify the communication. The messages are more emotional and this implies that we want to share those positive moments with others.

A.R.: How have the marketing strategies of Valentine’s Day changed? To which factors did the companies pay attention to back then and now?

V.C.: Companies have to understand nowadays that shopping is not only done any more by physically being in a store. In former times, they only paid attention to the sale desks or the package of the product. Today, it is also crucial to modify the digital settings where we do the shopping. This means that we have to facilitate the rotation of certain products online. This can be reached by having a website with better usability, by correct communication, by certain promotions that are attractive to the consumer and, particularly, by facilitating the shopping. If it’s very complicated or the purchase requires multiple clicks, our rational thinking could be addressed. As a consequence, the purchase – which initially was impulsive and emotional – will not be realized.

Questioning the promotion of exacerbated consume

A.R.: We talk a lot about commercialization of Valentine’s Day. Is there a debate about ethics in the marketing sector?

V.C.: There will always be an ethical questioning about how marketing promotes exacerbated consume and purchases that weren’t planned. However, every company has the aim to sell. It’s important to make sure we achieve certain standards of the industry. Above all, having it clear which are the values that represent the company. I know some consultants that say ‘Concerning my values, I don’t want to collaborate with this kind of products as they promote obesity, diabetes et cetera.’ As marketers, our duty is always transparency. In other words, informing the consumer about what we are providing for him or her. Regarding the product, we need to inform about the ingredients and for what it shall be used. We never must cheat on the client or user.

[Para la versión en español, pulse aquí.]


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